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Grazyna Lallemand - 3ec-TV Founder/CEO, photo by Eric J. Lallemand

Grazyna Lallemand
Founding President of 3ec-TV, Director of Commercial Affairs, Impact Content Creator

Polish-French, pragmatic, ingenious, multicultural, versatile visionary media entrepreneur,
and professional in an international trade, who takes ethical values into account whatever her goal.

Grazyna is passionate about the entertaining and educational features of television that can instigate social change.
After researching into the media and having drawn upon her rich experiences, she devised 3ec-TV based on a novel purpose-driven business model;
an international independent generalist bilingual (English-French) channel with a humanistic vision and ecology-oriented.
She has mobilized prominent committed personalities around the globe to collaborate with the channel to reach and inspire a wider audience.
Her experimental animated bilingual teaser 'All about 3ec-TV' produced in an unprecedented collaboration with students from several countries
has gained recognition at international film festivals.

Grazyna included the environment as a cross-disciplinary theme in the content of 3ec-TV
since 10 years of work on cancer research at the Medical Research Council in UK as a Clinical Trials Manager reinforced her awareness
of the link between humans and the environment.

Grazyna has decided to encourage the industry and consumers to turn to entirely sustainably-produced products
when she was responsible for developing international sales of Grand Cru Classé and Champagne for French wine companies (after obtaining a Certificate of Specialization in 'Wine Trading').
She founded 'Caelestis', a volunteer-based charity dedicated to World Wildlife Fund, to raise funds and public environmental awareness.
She created an ecological luxury brand (including its logo) 'Caelestis' (endorsed by celebrities) auctioned for WWF in various countries.
Grazyna makes use of this experience and is the first to integrate the concept of contributing '1% for the Planet' into a TV channel.

As an advisor to the 'Transatlantyk' International Film & Music Festival, 'Culinary Cinema' in Poland
(founded by the Oscar-winning composer Jan A.P. Kaczmarek) Grazyna introduced dedicated biodynamic/organic wines from France.
She was an occasional French-English-Polish translator also for the Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Paris,
for an international law and advisory firm on intellectual property and a company specialized in developing tools for electronic trading on Euronext.

Grazyna supports many sustainable initiatives and gained recognition at the Sustainable Fashion Global Awards
by Sandra Hanns, founder of the SFSFWI.org and Deborah O. Raphael, Director of the San Francisco Department of the Environment, California, USA.

Grazyna has also obtained a Climate Reality Leadership Certificate signed by Nobel Laureate and former US Vice President Al Gore, Founder and Chairman of the Climate Reality Project'.

Grazyna holds a Master's in International Commerce (France) and a Degree in Human Sciences - option Economy (honours),
Speciality: Economics and environmental policy in an international context. Strategic study of the Asia-Pacific region. (Open University, UK)
She also holds a Diploma in Management of Medium-sized Companies (France) and an Advanced Level in Computer Science (UK).
Grazyna is trilingual: French, English and Polish (native), and speaks some Russian.

Grazyna has always been a nature-loving person (was already editor of the environmental magazine at the primary school in Poland)
with a passion for organic gardening (qualified in horticulture in France).
She likes travelling and discovering cultures, and enjoys watching compelling TV programmes.

Grazyna is a member of the following associations:
- International News Media Association (INMA)
- Social Impact Entertainment (SIE)
- Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media
- Climate Reality Leadership Corps

Grazyna is currently seeking funds from committed investors/'business angels' to launch the 3ec-TV CHANNEL.

She is also working on a high impact Hollywood-Bollywood MOVIE 'Useless and Deadly' starring committed actresses/actors to raise funds for NGOs.
(It is an inspirational/visionary satirical constructive drama, shown through a cross-border, multi-cultural, multi-generational, gender, and social-ecological lens).

Moreover, she is involved in co-production of an original TV SHOW 'Rockin Veggie Kitchen' which links committed artists with organic vegan/vegetarian cooking and sustainable fashion.

Grazyna is currently a member of the jury of Deauville Green Awards - International Festival for Responsible Films.

Interested in 3ec-TV CHANNEL, in our MOVIE, in our TV SHOW? Contact details: contact @ 3ec-tv.com

LinkedIn profile: LinkedIn profile: Grazyna Lallemand

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